Welcome residents and their animals in one seamless review: pet and ESA document verification is fully-integrated in Findigs.
Our trained specialists handle every detail and follow-up, including ESA document verification and service animal registration by FHA & HUD guidelines.
Every step sits in the rental application, and results stay right in your dashboard. No third-party apps—no distractions or delays.
We’ll make your restrictions clear throughout the application, with helpful alerts along the way.
No follow-ups necessary: our team conducts comprehensive screening for every animal in the household.
Verification results appear alongside applicant information, and flow directly to your PMS.
*300K app sample from Jan ‘23 - Feb ‘24. One hour pet decision reflects median processing time.
We ensure applicants are informed about your specific restrictions, and help you collect pet fees appropriately.
New pup? No problem. Your residents can verify animals through Findigs at any time during their lease.
From vet details to vax records, we’ll keep what you need on file, including a policy agreement for applicants who don’t report pets.
Our Findigs in-house pet verification team completes a full-service review of pet information and documents. These details are checked against your approval requirements, to provide a approve/deny result for each animal.
Findigs verifies household pets in less than 24 hours on average. This process includes checking validating pet information, and checking against your requirements for approval. Our team also conducts timely, thorough verification for emotional support animals. ESA letters are validated by our team within 48 hours from document upload.
Pets and ESA documents can be verified at any time during a resident's lease, as long as they applied through Findigs originally. The option to verify a new pet or ESA document, or register a service animal is available in the renter dashboard.
ESA owners will be asked to upload a valid ESA letter as a part of their application. Our in-house pet verification team will review the letter, checking it's validity as per ADA and HUD guidelines. If we find the document is not valid, we'll reach out to the applicant to re-upload a valid letter before the ESA verification is denied.
Applicants with service animals will be asked to provide information about the animal as per ADA and HUD guidelines.
Property managers can decide whether to include Findigs pet verification in their application. This service can be added at no extra cost to property managers. Applicants verifying household pets will incur a flat per-pet fee to do so. There is no fee to verify support animal (ESA) documentation or to register service animals.
Yes, with Findigs pet verification you're able to require vaccination records for all household pets.
Applicants are charged a flat fee to verify each pet in the household. There is no fee to process service or support animal information.